Saturday, October 28, 2006

Chocolate Milk

Okay, so I'm not a huge milk drinker, never have been. But, I work at Starbucks now and I like my flavored steamers/lattes (soy milk with caramel syrup? delicious!). Anyway, chocolate milk's always been a mixed bag for me--on the one hand, chocolate! On the other hand, ewww, milk...and triple ewww, the sludge on the bottom from a Quick or whatever.

So today, at Whole Foods, I saw what looked like chocolate milk for adults. Made with real ingredients (and no, not that boxed Horizon organic stuff) a GLASS bottle. I was made even more interested when an employee had some for his break and the check-out clerk told us how good it is.
So, I tried it. I mean, I don't like milk, but I should drink it. Chocolate milk's usually disappointing in the US (ever have coffee milk in Europe? Yum!). Well, this stuff was GREAT. I got the 2%, and it was sooo good. Chocolatey, but smooth, no sludge, just a great drink.

So, yes, I heartily endorse Promised Land Dariy products--I had the chocolate midnight 2% milk.

It also pairs well with some Bailey's Irish cream, if you're curious.

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